8 Reasons Why You Must Have a Blog + 20 Inspiring Examples

17 de mayo de 2016

In less than 20 years, blogs have turned from simple online journals into one of the most significant aspects of social networking. Back when it was first implemented, a blog used to be a great way for a journalist or a news reporter to write an independent column that is available for anyone on the web to read. But in the course of time, blogging has come to serve some additional purposes.

Blogging has become part of mainstream culture. Many people around the world blog their lives, or at least read about the lives and interests of others on their blogs. Our generation is crazy about watching Youtube vlogs, following each other on Twitter, sharing photos on Instagram and more.

If you have a website, you must make the most of this trend and adjust it for personal use. A blog has become a necessity for any online business. Here are a few reasons why.

Create Original Content

They say content is king. When you publish original content online, you have a better chance of making your website noticeable. Interesting and catchy content will sooner or later find followers. A blog allows you to post articles on any subject with no limits. Use this advantage to make your website attractive to your audience.

You should also know that search engines like new content very much. Write unique posts regularly. Non-stop updates will guarantee your website higher positions in search engines’ results lists. This will lead to more traffic on your website.

Get More Traffic to Your Website

Content is unfortunately not the only king of the castle. In fact, the true king is a visitor. By creating a blog, you increase the odds of your website attracting more visitors. If you own an online store or any other kind of business, this is great news for you. Just imagine how many potential clients you can get using social media. And social media is absolutely free.

To increase traffic even more you should have social media buttons on your website, or any other tool for visitors to share and like you blog on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and other networks.

Get to Know Your Audience

A blog is a great way to get to know your website visitors’ preferences. Write different articles on different subjects. Get feedback from your visitors and focus on the most popular content. That’s how you will keep your website users in the loop. Don’t forget that you must have an area for commentaries on your website. Be in touch with the audience of your blog by taking participation in discussions.

You can also add a subscription form and send emails for your project promotion. Highlight your top posts, tell the latest news in your niche, as well as inform users on updates and events. An open rate will tell you what your blog readers are passionate about.

Improve Your Skills

If you run a blog, you will definitely improve some of your skills. Create posts as often as you can and you will become a much better writer. When you have a lot of experience in writing, blogging may become not just a promotional resource, but a profitable one. You will be able to write for competing websites and earn good money.

Having a blog doesn’t mean that you must publish a million posts a minute. Remember the quality of your writing is not the only important thing. The subject matters too. You should be a good researcher to discover new things on the web and in the world every day. Remember that truly awesome posts can only be created with some deep research.

Become an Expert in Your Field

As a researcher, you can become a real professional. The Internet allows you to blog about everything you want. Use this opportunity. Learn new things. Grow your mind. Bloggers are high in demand now. If you create awesome content, you will get not only recognition, but good compensation.

Even more, you may be an expert in more than one field. Billionaires like Elon Musk, Richard Branson are a perfect example. In fact, each of them has built a couple of successful businesses on their own. Though this post isn’t about business, blogging is business in some way too. The secret of success is the same. Work hard and be passionate about what you do.

Promote Your Brand

What is a brand? It’s how people identify you in society. If you want to be recognizable in your field of activity, just start a blog. Become a guru for your audience by writing useful tutorials, giving advices and offering striking ideas.

Brand promotion is necessary, if you want to be original in an ocean of bloggers all around the world. When your brand is successful, it will attract new readers, sponsors and writers.

Grow Your Network

There are a few reasons to increase own influence in the web. A successful blog is one of them. An owner of an awesome blogging resource with a large amount of users every day has everything needed to encourage talented writers. A post contributor with excellent writing skills and fresh ideas for blog articles is a gem that will bring a lot of new organic traffic to your website.

The more such talents you know, the more odds to hit the jackpot you have. Save all your connections to use them in future. When a young writer who once posted an article on your website becomes a well-know blogger with their own web resource, he or she will remember your help.

Make New Connections

Successful blogging is always about making connections. Spreading ideas is much easier when you have friends. Collaborate with other bloggers to make your own blog more popular. When creative people meet work together, the results are pretty beneficial.

Such a collaboration is not just a great opportunity to write guest posts, but to make connections with people. As a consequence, your blog will evolve by getting yet more content, traffic and recognition.


No matter how trendy your website is, it must have a blog section. This is a great source for promoting yourself on the web, attracting more people to your website and creating new business relations. While you’re thinking of what your blog should look like, check out 20 great examples below.



Online Photo Portfolio Design with Blog

Online Photo Portfolio Design with Blog

Young Adventuress

Young Adventureness

Brain Pickings

Brain Pickings

Nomad On The Road

Nomad On The Road

Jeff Bullas’s Blog

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Responsive Medical Blog

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Pick the Brain

Pick the Brain

Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss



Nomad Revelations

Nomad Revelations

VWO Blog

VWO Blog

Coffee Break

Coffee Break





Creative Bloq

Creative Bloq





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